Litter Box Subscription Guidelines Every Owner Must Know

Litter Box Subscription Guidelines Every Owner Must Know

Any cat owner would agree that bringing home a kitten is one of their most enjoyable and unforgettable times. You should start litter-training your cute little fluff as soon as possible if you don't want your happiness to turn into frustration.

Learn how to get your cat used to using a cat litter box and how to handle the less pleasant elements of maintaining a clean litter box.

How Old Must a Kitten Be Before You Begin Housebreaking It?

Cats have a strong instinct to bury their excrement, making them very clean and sophisticated. The day you bring your kitten home should also be when you introduce them to a litter box. Most cats can be trained to use a litter box with little effort. If you're having problems training your kitten to use the litter box, make an appointment with the doctor.

Five Ways to Maintain A Clean Litter Box

Getting a new cat to use the litter box is only half the battle. Keeping the litter box clean is equally important as cleaning your house. Some helpful hints are provided below on hiding an indoor litter box from the cat's perspective and the human eye.

Keep the litter box spotless daily

Maintaining a clean litter box for your cat is an important task to avoid unpleasant odors and a buildup of waste. A clean litter box for your cat is a great way to monitor your pet's health.

With EZ Litter, you are not required to change the litter every day or every week. The owner should only scoop the poop and mix the litter daily. Our best-quality silica litter can be used for a month, and it is changed every month via a monthly subscription delivery service.

Use one cat litter box for one cat

To keep the litter box clean and maintain the hygiene of your fluffy cat, we advise you to use one litter box for one cat only. It may cause problems for your cat if more than one cat uses the same litter box for poop and urination. To keep your cat healthy, keep this point in your mind.

Consider wearing disposable gloves and a mask

It is necessary to use disposable gloves and a dust mask to avoid the transmission of toxoplasmosis. It is a coccidial organism that certain cats carry and transmit via feces. Even if you do not handle the excrement, cleaning the degraded litter box having poor ventilation can cause dust to go into the air. The polluted air can irritate the lungs and contribute to toxoplasmosis transmission. However , EZ Litter is 100% dust free and can help you in avoiding these problems. 

Put a lid on your litter box

Many of the scents might spread from an open litter box that can cause smell in the atmosphere. Whereas EZ litter virtually eliminates all the odors. Putting a lid on the litter box will be the preference of the owner in terms of his choice. Furthermore, a litter box with a filtering lid is something to consider purchasing.

Placing a waste container nearby is a must.

As an alternative to a full garbage can, you might name an empty bucket or cat litter box as the trash can for your feline friend. You must keep the garbage can near the litter box, so you don't have to worry about litter flying around.

Scoop the solids from the litter box

At least once a day, cat poop needs to be cleaned up. For a sanitary box, some authorities recommend scooping up solid wastes. If you leave solid waste accumulated in the litter box for too long, your cat may refuse to use it, even if you've recently replaced the litter.

You may find a scooper designed for pet waste at any pet supply store. The litter beneath the scooper will fall through the grates and back into the litter box while you scoop up the solid waste.

Wrap up

It may be inconvenient if your cat stops using a cat litter box. There may be various reasons for this dilemma, but you can find many solutions to fix this problem. You can get the non-clumpy and odor-controlling cat litter that can protect you from the nasty smell of urine and feces of cats in the house.

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